The Hot Spot

Blog and Events

Let the Blogging begin...

Thank you Vicky for checking in... and writing in!!   Let me start by saying the blogging begins now...  and when I say "me" it's Bob, Kenny's social media and visual support guy out here in California.   Thanks for being patient with us as we get things rolling here at

I've been out and about gathering footage from Kenny, hunting down sponsors to help support this site (Hint, Hint), and in general we all have been trying to wrap our brains around this Social Media Campaign Kenny and I are working on.

Let get started:  We are looking for sponsorship help, and if you or anyone else know anyone who would like to get in on the ground floor, we are offing a great deal for a year long sponsorship that includes a lot of great exposure for your product or service.  Contact me, Bob, at or Kenny at to learn more....  When I say it's a great is, contact us and find out!

Next...  The blog:  Please look for regular blog entries on Tuesday!!  Starting tomorrow. I do plan to check the blog at least 3 times a week to respond to the current entry and, or follow up on other comments...  like today's entry.

Our first big announcement of the month....... Video content is coming to this site.  Kenny has shot a few segments of his fourth training manual: Cruise Control, Fine Tuning Your Horse's Performance.  I'm currently putting the final touches on his first segment: The Riding Warm Up.  Look for the launch announcement this week!!

That's all for now, please send us a comment or two, spread the word about sponsorship, and visit Kenny's main site to learn about his many services and training opportunities!!

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