The Hot Spot

Blog and Events

Summer is coming

Hello everyone,


Well, summer is just getting started, and here on the ranch we’re all working hard and getting everything ready for a full summer of activity.  And we’re kicking off the sunny season with a Client Appreciation Weekend, June 4th and 5th right here at Cedar Run Ranch in Cumberland, VA.  As part of the weekend we’ve holding a Client Appreciation Clinic and you can get a discounted fee of $400.00 for the entire clinic.  Check out my Facebook page for details on the discount.  I hope you’ll stop by, say hi and partake in all the activities we’ve got planned for our clients and friends. Here’s how to get here.  Then we jump right in to the 8th week of the Training with Trust Certification program June 6th through June 10th.  For those who may want to stay at the ranch for the weekend event and the training program, we’ve got 2 cottages and a campground for you.  We also have a list of motels in the area. Be sure to book as soon as you can to be sure you’ve got a place to stay. 


Graduation Day is coming!  Yep.  June 13th through 17th is the 9th and final week of our Training with Trust Certification Program.  It’s been a great time for all and early congratulations to all of you who will be completing the program.  Great work all!


New Training video release:  As part of the Training Manual #4, we’re starting a new round of exercises: Circles.  In this chapter we’ll concentrate on using circle patterns to create balance and softness, and gain further control of the shoulders and hips.  The new video series will be uploaded to on Tuesday, June 7th.  Hope you will enjoy these new exercises.

And you can contact us at 434-983-2221 or to purchase the full Training Manual #4.

May has arrived

Hi all,

Where to begin??  With spring in full force the ranch is looking good for the arrival of one of my favorite trainers.  Jose Mendez is coming to the ranch on May 10th, 11th, 12th, and the 24th, and if you have not seen, work with, or had the privilege to ride with him...  get here and do it!!  Really, stop what you're doing and find the time to get down here...  I can't stress that enough.  Jose's style is so respectful to the horse that you will go through a 45 minute session with him and you will be exhausted, but your horse will be looking for more!!

Training:  We are just getting underway with the next round of my apprenticship program.  Look for some pictures on my Facebook page.  Talking about that please visit my Facebook page if you haven't lately.  We've been putting videos on there.  Now, if your looking for fresh video content then go to for my latest training sessions.  We've started videotaping Manual 4, Cruise Control and loading clips to this website

If you're looking to get a heads up on the videos, check out my YouTube channel and subscribe.  The advantage of subscribing is you will often get a chance to see the videos before they are published on the my web site!!

Next...  I'll be at the Cashman Horse Equipment Outlet in Delaware, Ohio
For information and to sign up contact Cashman Horse Equipment Outlet at 800-500-5804 or 740-363-6073.
Stop by and say hi or sign up for one of my clinics... and check this out the Obstacle Challenge is open to the public to participate.

...and, Professional Trainer's Week at Cedar Run Ranch
Attention Kenny Harlow Certified Trainers, Professional Trainer's Week is coming up May 23rd-27th! Come to the ranch and learn all of Kenny's new training exercises that will make your training more fun and easier!
Contact us at 434-983-2221 or

Better late then never!!

Sorry, sorry, sorry...  I know I said I would blog every week, and on paper that made perfect sense.  In fact, when I was drawing this plan up I was thinking that blogging once a week was not enough.  Well, maybe I'll re-work the blogging plan so that I blog twice a month...  No,  I'll try, key word, "try" to blog once a week, and yes on Tuesdays. 

Now, why Tuesdays??  I'm thinking that it gives me time to:
-call our sponsors/partners (once we have one to sponsor the blog...Hint, Hint) and find out what's happen with them; new products, services, any general information.
-put together the video clips
-Prepare for a our Facebook update
-...and load the video clips to our Youtube channel.  BTW: If you go to our Youtube Channel (Click Here) please subscribe to get notification of new videos that have been uploaded.

So you can see we have a plan, and that's all good, but I didn't count on the amount of time it takes to coordinate all of this.  And lets not forget that I have a barn full of horses, my Certificate program, and training sessions to run.  So for now please check back regularly and we here at Cedar Run Ranch, and oh yeah, don't forget about Bob in California will try to update the blog and web site at least once a week.

Talk with you soon,  send in a comment, we would love to hear from you!!

Video Launches Today

Hi Everyone,  As promised, we are blogging today.

The BIG news is that we have video content loaded to this site!!  if you want to see the first installment of Cruise Control, Fine Tuning Your Horse's Performance just Click Here.   We will be adding new segments every week so come back often!

Other then that it's back to the barn to train one of seven horses I have get right.  If you want more information about me, my serves, or the up coming Apprenticeship program in may please go to my Main Web Site.  Thanks for checking in, and we will talk soon.


Let the Blogging begin...

Thank you Vicky for checking in... and writing in!!   Let me start by saying the blogging begins now...  and when I say "me" it's Bob, Kenny's social media and visual support guy out here in California.   Thanks for being patient with us as we get things rolling here at

I've been out and about gathering footage from Kenny, hunting down sponsors to help support this site (Hint, Hint), and in general we all have been trying to wrap our brains around this Social Media Campaign Kenny and I are working on.

Let get started:  We are looking for sponsorship help, and if you or anyone else know anyone who would like to get in on the ground floor, we are offing a great deal for a year long sponsorship that includes a lot of great exposure for your product or service.  Contact me, Bob, at or Kenny at to learn more....  When I say it's a great is, contact us and find out!

Next...  The blog:  Please look for regular blog entries on Tuesday!!  Starting tomorrow. I do plan to check the blog at least 3 times a week to respond to the current entry and, or follow up on other comments...  like today's entry.

Our first big announcement of the month....... Video content is coming to this site.  Kenny has shot a few segments of his fourth training manual: Cruise Control, Fine Tuning Your Horse's Performance.  I'm currently putting the final touches on his first segment: The Riding Warm Up.  Look for the launch announcement this week!!

That's all for now, please send us a comment or two, spread the word about sponsorship, and visit Kenny's main site to learn about his many services and training opportunities!!

Hello world!

Hi Everyone,  It a new age here at Cedar Run Ranch.  I have a blog!  ...and this is the cool part, I'm not writing it right now...  Bob is writing this all the way from California.  He has helped me into the new (for me) world of social media.  Say Hi Bob...  Hi everyone... and thanks Kenny.  It's great to be apart of this new world with Kenny, Taryn, and the rest of the folks at Cedar Run Ranch.  For all of you who are just "tuning" in allow me to let you in on what's planned for this site and the rest of Kenny's social media outlets.

Bottom line;  Content, Content, and more Content.  Kenny has lots of video content he wants to share; Training DVD's, Tips and Tricks, oh and did you know Kenny has a TV show...  Yes he does, it's on the Dish Network, Channel 9411 on Sundays at 7:30am(EST) ...and did you know he has DVD's of every episode from that TV show ..yes he does.  We will be sharing clips of the Training with Trust show right here on this site.

What else...  we have this blog, which will be updated every Tuesday...  maybe more, but for sure on Tuesdays.   Facebook will also be updated on a regular basis so if your not a fan at Kenny Harlow Training with Trust please do that, you won't be sorry.  On top of all that we will be posting a lot more videos on YouTube!!  We will announce a regular schedule when we are ready to post our video content.

If you are here you can see this site is still under construction, and here's the cool part...  because we are adding content all the time the site will never be finished.  I would like to hear from you with any suggestions you may have to make the site better, any thing you would like to see, or not see for that matter. 

Anyway, this site is a great place to just simply check in to see what's new, get a few minutes with Kenny if you're looking for a training tip, or just want to say Hi.

Thanks for checking in...  and please write us we want to hear from you.  Thanks.