The Hot Spot

Blog and Events

Hello world!

Hi Everyone,  It a new age here at Cedar Run Ranch.  I have a blog!  ...and this is the cool part, I'm not writing it right now...  Bob is writing this all the way from California.  He has helped me into the new (for me) world of social media.  Say Hi Bob...  Hi everyone... and thanks Kenny.  It's great to be apart of this new world with Kenny, Taryn, and the rest of the folks at Cedar Run Ranch.  For all of you who are just "tuning" in allow me to let you in on what's planned for this site and the rest of Kenny's social media outlets.

Bottom line;  Content, Content, and more Content.  Kenny has lots of video content he wants to share; Training DVD's, Tips and Tricks, oh and did you know Kenny has a TV show...  Yes he does, it's on the Dish Network, Channel 9411 on Sundays at 7:30am(EST) ...and did you know he has DVD's of every episode from that TV show ..yes he does.  We will be sharing clips of the Training with Trust show right here on this site.

What else...  we have this blog, which will be updated every Tuesday...  maybe more, but for sure on Tuesdays.   Facebook will also be updated on a regular basis so if your not a fan at Kenny Harlow Training with Trust please do that, you won't be sorry.  On top of all that we will be posting a lot more videos on YouTube!!  We will announce a regular schedule when we are ready to post our video content.

If you are here you can see this site is still under construction, and here's the cool part...  because we are adding content all the time the site will never be finished.  I would like to hear from you with any suggestions you may have to make the site better, any thing you would like to see, or not see for that matter. 

Anyway, this site is a great place to just simply check in to see what's new, get a few minutes with Kenny if you're looking for a training tip, or just want to say Hi.

Thanks for checking in...  and please write us we want to hear from you.  Thanks.

5 comments | Add a New Comment
1. Taryn | March 15, 2011 at 02:12 PM EDT

Hi Bob!

Looks great! There are just a two things that need a quick fix. I will have Kenny look it over later as well!

Read below and you need to add the word YOU

For all of you who are just \"tuning\" in allow me to let YOU in on what's planned for this site and the rest of Kenny's social media outlets.

Last thing, where you have Kenny's show on every Sunday morning at 7:30, can you add EST to it?

2. Bob | March 15, 2011 at 03:15 PM EDT

Hi Taryn, I'll get on the changes right away. Please share this blog with others, ask them to share some ideas for the site!! Talk with you soon.

3. Vicky Trainor | March 18, 2011 at 06:09 PM EDT

Hey Kenny,

Glad to see that you are moving forward with the site! 'Bout time. :) I would suggest making it more visible on site as I almost missed seeing the link at the top of the merchandise page.

Looking forward to reading your blog!


4. Vicky Trainor | March 24, 2011 at 09:15 AM EDT

When are the blog entries going to start? Been checking since Tues, 3/22.

Looking forward to all the new content on this site!

5. Bob | April 04, 2011 at 04:48 PM EDT

Hi Vicky,

Thank you for your comments. We will look at and see where and how we might be able to improve the visibility of the link. And as you might have already read... the blog entries will be improving!! Talk with you soon.

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